Video #2 from Webinar Series: “Understanding The Coronavirus From The Body’s Perspective”
Our Immune System Reflected The Global Pandemic: A Body-Mind Centering® Perspective (UCV#2)
Applying BMCsm principles became a key factor during the illness, my recovery, and later explorations. Embodied awareness helped me to track which systems were affected. When gasping for breath I was led out of the stifled respiratory tract into the spaces of subcutaneous breathing. When the vertebrate patterns created an overwhelming response, I was led to the pre-vertebrate patterns which invited a soft release. When an irregular heartbeat appeared, my venous capillaries called and brought balanced rhythms. Now in recovery, the explorations and application are endless–continuing to enlighten my curiosity.
In this webinar we will explore the tone of cellular vibration, sponging as an invitation for respiratory breathing, invitation for blood flow through the capillaries, and fluid breathing patterns of the subcutaneous layers
This video along with the following 2 can be purchased in a 3-Video package by clicking here.
About this video series:
My hope is that these webinars provide an opportunity for you to find fascination with something that is scary, gain insight on the potential of your body’s mind, and integrate and apply this information in your personal and professional lives.
Don’t worry about having a somatic, medical, therapeutic, or movement language. These webinars should be accessible for everyone.
Leading experts in the field of somatic therapy and education will be sharing their embodied knowledge with you. Annie Brook, PHD, from Boulder, Colorado; Toni Smith, BMCP, from Troy, New York; and myself, Wendy Masterson, RSMT/E, from Great Falls, Montana. Each of us will bring our unique perspective of the body’s physiological mind and developmental sequences in connection with the Coronavirus.
These webinars arose from my personal experience with Covid-19 in January 2020—long before the virus had a name. When the coronavirus struck me, it was quick, voracious–essentially a full body pandemic. My immune system responded as quickly, and my cellular tone was amplified both within the virus and my immunity response